Aug 24, 2007

LOOK! camp Aug 3-5

One of the highlights of this term was the evangelistic camp at the start of August. Six years ago we had 15 students at our first camp, this year there were 90 students from five towns and cities! Particularly exciting was the fact that over 60 of these students were not yet believers! Praise God for a very special opportunity to spend two days living together sharing not only fun and games but also the Gospel. Three times during the weekend the students sat in small groups and studied the life of Jesus Christ.

Give thanks with us for God’s faithful provision in enabling this camp to go ahead. Praise God too for students who expressed a willingness to follow Jesus Christ.

Many others also asked to study the Bible when they returned home and staff are now following these students up. Pray for perseverance and for God to reveal himself to these students.

Pray too for Christian students from Uthai (40 mins from us) and Banphot (30 mins from us) who are beginning to consider the possibility of having their own CUs in their towns.

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