Aug 24, 2007

Life and Ministry in Central Thailand

We live and work at Nakhon Sawan Youth House, a three storey shop-house which acts as a drop-in centre for the students as well as being our home.

Here is a snap-shot of our life and ministry on a daily basis

Pray for:
On-going bible studies at the Youth House (Tues, Thurs, Sun)
On-going evangelism and bridge building (Interactive Club on Wed, English on Thurs)
On-going Buddy Groups on three campuses, led by the students (Thurs, Fri)
Regional Staff Days (Sept 17-19)
TCS National Staff Meetings (Sept 24-28)
Pray that we would run well to the very end of term (Sept 30)
Pray too that, as numbers increase at regional events, we would not lose the personal relationships with students that have been a hall-mark of the ministry until now.
Pray with us for more workers. In recent weeks we have seen that the fields truly are ‘white unto harvest’. Pray with us for ‘the Lord of the harvest to send more workers into the harvest field’.

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