Aug 24, 2007

Life for three McClean Kids in Asia

Our kids love living in Asia. They get up to all sorts of exciting things and are constantly surrounded by loving big brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles.

Matthew is now a very grown up 5 1/2. He attends Thai school each morning and then is homeschooled by mum each every afternoon. He loves maths and dinosaurs!

Bethan will soon turn 4 and is our 'princess' girl. With her curly blonde hair and big blue eyes she stops the traffic everywhere we go. She is also going to 'Fun School' every afternoon and right now is learning to write her name. She loves anything pink (!) and princess-like.

Joshua is our gorgeous, completely cheeky and monkey-like 1 1/2 year old. He gives us heart stopping moments on a regular basis but also knows how to charm the neighbours into giving him free sticky rice and drinks! His favourite words at the moment are "Look!" "Naam" (Thai for water!) and "Luv Uuuu!"

Please do remember to pray for our kids as they grow-up in Asia
Pray that they will grow to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ for themselves.
Pray that they will continue to appreciate the rich experiences they are gaining.
Pray that they too will have a love and heart for Thai people as they grow up.

Finally, one very special prayer request for us as a family. Matthew’s Thai school have kindly agreed to allow both Matthew and Bethan to attend the school full-time with personal tuition in Maths and English (using UK curriculum) from May 2008 if we can find two English speaking teachers to work at the school! Teachers will need to be able to teach either Maths or English at primary level and be willing to commit to 1 year initially. They would teach our kids for 1 hour each day in either Maths or English and then work along the other teachers in the school to teach Thai children studying in the bi-lingual programme.
Please pray with us that the Lord would call two people to this very special job in the next months. It would be such a huge answer to prayer for us as a family, removing the responsibility of home-schooling from Ann and enabling the kids to integrate fully into Thai school without losing the level of English and Maths they need for returning to the UK in 2010.

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