Sep 30, 2008

TCS Student Day 2008, Central Thailand

'So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as your were taught and overflowing with thankfulness' Col 2:6-7

Each year we host a Student Day for all the Christian students linked to Thai Christian Students in Central Thailand. This year the theme was 'Grow' and a variety of talks, small group reflections and workshops all helped us to think about the 'how' and 'why' of Christian growth and maturity. At the end of the day each student was given a miniature cactus with words of Colossians 2:6-7 attached to it.

Particularly encouraging this year was the number of Buddhist students attending this overtly Christian event. Workshops helped them to answer questions such as 'How can I start to pray?' and 'Who is God?'

Please pray with us that students will remember what they learnt that day as they look at their plants at home. Pray that we will see a generation of godly, mature believers emerge from the student ministry here in Central Thailand. Pray too that some of the Buddhist students present will start out on that process of growing by accepting the Word of God which has been planted in their lives.

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