Jul 9, 2008

New Youth House

From May 2008 we have handed over responsibility for the Nakhon Sawan Youth House to Caroline (OMF) and Zo (Thai apprentice). After painting and cleaning a building two blocks down the road from our home it was great to see the Youth House get up and running so quickly. Students are at the house every day. Some are living there in the upstairs dorm rooms. Bible studies, training and worship are all part of the weekly programme alongside food, fun and relaxation together. Caroline and Zo have also had good opportunities to work with the university students at Rajabaht University just up the road and were thrilled to have forty students turn up for INTERactive (the International Activities club run by two of our Christian students) on the first week of term.

Please pray for Caroline and Zo as they lead this Youth House
Pray for Christian students to grow in their love for God and his Word as they spend time together at the Youth House
Pray too that many of their friends will come along, hear, understand and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pray for our own involvement in the lives of the students through disicpleship training events, bible studies and personal conversations.

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