Jul 9, 2008

Life down our street!

Here is a flavour of life on our soi or street.
Thanks to Angela Farrant for these 'first impressions' of everyday life in Thailand.

New Youth House

From May 2008 we have handed over responsibility for the Nakhon Sawan Youth House to Caroline (OMF) and Zo (Thai apprentice). After painting and cleaning a building two blocks down the road from our home it was great to see the Youth House get up and running so quickly. Students are at the house every day. Some are living there in the upstairs dorm rooms. Bible studies, training and worship are all part of the weekly programme alongside food, fun and relaxation together. Caroline and Zo have also had good opportunities to work with the university students at Rajabaht University just up the road and were thrilled to have forty students turn up for INTERactive (the International Activities club run by two of our Christian students) on the first week of term.

Please pray for Caroline and Zo as they lead this Youth House
Pray for Christian students to grow in their love for God and his Word as they spend time together at the Youth House
Pray too that many of their friends will come along, hear, understand and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pray for our own involvement in the lives of the students through disicpleship training events, bible studies and personal conversations.

School in Thailand

Many of you have been praying for Matthew and Bethan as they settle into their new Thai classes here. Thank you! As you can see life is rather different to the UK!

Last week Joyce (our home school tutor) left us to return to the UK. Please pray with us for an urgent replacement from August 15.

If you know anyone who might be interested in living and working with us in this role please do let us know.

ACT Regional Children's Camp

Each April (summer here!) 200 children from 7-11 years come together for a four day regional inter-church camp. As well as fun, games and little sleep (!) they have the opportunity to learn more about Jesus Christ through bible studies, talks and quizzes. This year Matthew joined the camp with Auntie Caroline and had a great time getting to know new Thai friends.

Please pray for churches as they follow up children who came to the camp
Praise God too for Matthews' positive attitude towards going to a Thai camp. We are grateful to God for the way in which all of the children treat Thailand as home.

Birthday Boys

In February Matthew (6) and Joshua (2) both celebrated their birthdays. We had a great family day out at Bangkok Zoo as well as cakes and presents at home.

Happy Birthday Boys!


On Sunday 22nd June four more students were baptised at Nakhon Sawan Church.

Please pray for Best, Art, Taw and Liw as they grow in their relationship with Christ
Praise God too for his work among students in Central Thailand.

Valentines Day Evangelism

Valentines Day is a huge event here in Thailand. Each year our student make the most of a golden opportunity to tell their friends about the One who 'loved them and gave his life for them'.

This year in Nakhon Sawan we made 1,000 cookies over three days, bagged them up and attached bookmarks, tracts or New Testaments. Students took them to school on February 14 and gave them to special friends as well as giving them out freely in canteens and at the bus stop!

Praise God for the enthusiasm and willingness of the students to invest time and energy in enabling friends to understand something of the Gospel.
Pray for the thousands of students who are searching for 'love'
Pray that many Thai students will come to know 'True Love' for themselves this semester.