Jan 4, 2008

Primary School English Camp

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On Dec 21 and 22 AnnAnn needed to brush up on her primary school teacher training as she led a primary school English camp at four days notice right after our regional
camp! 140 children from three rural temple schools here in Nakhon Sawan province joined in Christmas activities for two days. It is still mind-boggling and sobering to meet Thai people who have never heard of the Christmas story and have no idea who Jesus is! We were encouraged at the end of the two day camp when the teachers gave permission for each child to receive a Thai magazine explaining the life of Jesus Christ and the reason for his birth.

Pray for theareas of Thailand where there is still no church or regular Christian witness.
Pray for these school children and their families who have received Christian literature for the first time. Pray that they will read and be intrigued to know more.
Pray for the Nakhon Sawan ACT church which is trying to start a cell group in this area.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.