Nov 2, 2007

Evangelism Training for Staff Team

October 22-26 the CTSM staff team joined us in Bangkok for a week of evangelism training. This time we were also joined by four TCS national staff. As well as bible studies, prayer and training we also had lots of fun making TexMex together and relaxing over ice-cream! The finale of the week was to go out together to a local night market to put into practise all we had discussed - tracting, surveys, preaching, testimonies, free literature, music and drama all enabled local people to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Praise God for his goodness to us during this week as we led and encouraged others to think about evangelism.

Pray that our team will be able to pass on what they have learnt to their students in the coming weeks as each Youth House looks at ACTive Evangelism in the book of Acts and as we gear up for the big evangelistic opportunities at Christmas.

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