Oct 1, 2008

September Staff Days

One of our roles as team leaders for CTSM is to host Staff Days twice a semester.
The whole team join us in Nakhon Sawan for two days and nights of prayer, bible study, planning and fun.

It is always a real blessing to catch up with the team members and to hear stories of what God is doing in each place.

Pray with us for the Staff Team for 2008/09 who work incredibly hard to live and share the Gospel with students in Lopburi, Nakhon Sawan and Phitsanulok. Pray for them especially over the semester break Oct 1-28 that the Lord will refresh, encourage and renew ready for the next semester.

Reaching Students ... Reaching Thailand

Our work with CTSM team is directly focussed on students. We share the Gospel, disciple and train Thai students, encouraging them to grow in their love for God and his Word.

This term we have been thrilled to see the fruit of the ministry spreading further to family members, and particularly parents of the students.

Many of our students come from rural areas where there are few known Christians and often no churches. But as they return home to family and 'gossip' the Gospel, as they share their lives and live as exemplary children seeking to honour their parents as well as the Lord family members are beginning to ask questions about their faith.

This semester one father and another mother has professed faith in Central Thailand, another mother travelled over 50km to attend church with her son for the first time ever and another mother of one of our graduates is starting to pray.

Please pray with us that we will see a real movement of not only students but 'student families' coming to faith as students learn to love, serve and share the Gospel in the Youth Houses.